Hammond ES Non-Transported Area for '23-24 School Year Wed, 03/29/2023 - 09:20 Non-transportation areas (walk areas) have been expanded for the majority of HCPSS schools for the 2023-2024 school year
Kindness Week Spirit Days Feb. 13-17 Thu, 02/02/2023 - 15:00 Join in the fun and spirit of Kindness Week by participating in the themed days! Check out the flier for all of the details.
KINDNESS WEEK FEBRUARY 13-17 Mon, 01/30/2023 - 15:39 Join in the fun and participate in Kindness Week!
WINTER MAP ASSESSMENTS Tue, 01/17/2023 - 15:36 Students in grades 1-5 will take the Measured Academic Progress (MAP) assessment during the month of January or February.
Battle of the Books Coming in Spring 2023 - Register now Wed, 10/26/2022 - 12:28 Battle of the Books Coming in Spring 2023 - Register now
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Poster Contest Tue, 10/25/2022 - 11:01 Entries must be submitted by October 31, 2022
Volunteer Requirements Wed, 09/28/2022 - 10:53 Your two signed certificates of completion must be on file before you can volunteer.
Registration for Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP) Saturday Math Academy Fri, 09/23/2022 - 14:20 The HCPSS Black Student Achievement Program Saturday Math Academy Fall Session is approaching!