February 27, 2025
- Message from Admin
- Grade 5 MISA Assessments
- Book Fair
- Career Day
- Class and Individual Photos
- A Note from Music
- Spring Lacrosse
- Literacy Night for Grades 3, 4, 5
- Reading Challenge with the Baysox
- Fifth Grade Baby Pictures Needed
- HCPSS Special Education Resource Fair
- Gifted and Talented Summer Programs
- Spring Break Basketball Camp
- Outdoor Recess and Weather Conditions
- PTA Meeting Dates
- Important Dates
A Message from Admin
Dear Hammond Families,
We wanted to take a moment to express the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of our children in the Hammond community. We are 100% ALL IN on our commitment to each student’s well-being and ask that you continue to partner with us. We urge you to engage in meaningful conversations with your children, be aware of their social interactions, and provide them with the support they need. In particular, we encourage you to pay close attention to:
- Who your child interacts with: Be aware of their friendships in person and online.
- What they watch and consume: Monitor the television shows, movies, and online content they access.
- How they feel: Look for changes in mood, behavior, or sleep patterns.
- Who they talk to online: Be mindful of their online communication and social media interactions.
- What they see on social media: Be aware of the content they are exposed to and the potential impact it may have.
Each year, we witness the growing impact of social media and peer pressure on our young students. Being 100% ALL IN on open communication and active engagement is essential in helping them navigate these challenges. We are here to partner with you in this effort. Please don't hesitate to contact the school counseling team or the administration if you have any concerns or need support.
Heather Moraff, Principal
Nykia Mapson, Assistant Principal
Grade 5 Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA)
Students in 5th grade will take the Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) assessment on March 3rd, March 4th, March 5th and March 6th. Students who are absent on the testing dates will participate in a makeup session during the March 3rd-March 21st testing window. MISA measures student achievement on the Maryland Content Standards in Science in Grade 5 (testing content from Grades 3, 4 and 5). To learn more about MISA, please visit the HCPSS Testing page. Students are encouraged to bring corded headphones (if possible). Wireless or bluetooth headphones are not compatible with the testing platform.
Book Fair

Career Day
We are still looking for volunteers to speak to classes for Career Day on Thursday, March 13th. Please fill out this form if you are interested in coming in to share more about your career. You will be asked to share about your career for about 15-25 minutes (depending on grade) and answer questions students may have. We will reach back out once we gather responses with sign-ups for specific times.
Class Photos and Spring Individual Photos
Picture Day is Thursday, March 27
Order forms will be sent home soon. Individual photos will only by taken of students who hand an order form and payment to the photographer on the day of the event. All students will be included in their class photos regardless if they have ordered one.
A Note from Music
Attention all Orchestra, Band, and Chorus students! The HCPSS Solo and Ensemble Festival will be held on Saturday, April 5 at Long Reach HS. This is an optional, yet exciting, performance opportunity for students! The deadline to sign up is Friday, February 21. Please contact your music teacher for more information:
Orchestra: Mrs. Jacobs
Band: Mr. Obrigewitch
Chorus: Mrs. Sanders and Mr. Burrow
Spring Lacrosse
Literacy Night for Grades 3, 4, and 5

Reading Challenge with the Chesapeake Baysox
HES is participating in the Chesapeake Baysox “Read & Hit a Home Run” Reading Program, sponsored by Educational Systems Federal Credit Union this season!
What is the “Read & Hit a Home Run” Reading Program? The program, now in its 28th season, provides an incentive, both inside and outside of the classroom, for students to read. Students that complete the program by reading a minimum of four books inside or outside of the classroom from early January through mid-March receive two free tickets to their school’s “Read & Hit a Home Run” Reading Program night at a Chesapeake Baysox Game!
Friday, May 30th at 7:05pm is the HES Reading Night.
Fifth Graders: Baby Pictures Needed
HCPSS Special Education Resource Fair
Saturday, March 15, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Cedar Lane School
11630 Scaggsville Road
Fulton, MD
The HCPSS Special Education Resource Fair provides families with information available from the community and HCPSS to support their students receiving special education and related services (those who have an IEP or IFSP). Get connected to:
Recreational Activities
HCPSS Speech, OT, PT, Vision, and Adapted PE
Community Groups
Service Providers
Transition to Adulthood Information
Assistive Technology
Behavioral Health
Howard County Government Resources
And Much More!
For information, please contact FSRC@hcpss.org. Registration is not required. The event will be cancelled if HCPSS has an inclement weather closure. This event is part of the HCPSS Parent Empowerment Series including training sessions related to special education and events for families of students with an IEP or IFSP. Free
Gifted and Talented Summer Programs
Gifted and Talented (G/T) Summer Institutes for Talent Development
The Gifted and Talented (G/T) Summer Institutes for Talent Development offers additional advanced-level instruction and enrichment experiences not regularly available during the academic school year for students entering grades 1-8. Rigorous instruction focusing on talent development is offered in mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, technology and fine arts.
No testing nor prior G/T coursework is required for enrollment in these enrichment offerings.
Location: Burleigh Manor Middle School
Session 1: June 30 - July 11 (no class July 4)
Session 2: July 14-25
Hours: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Cost: $330 per session (Financial assistance is available for students participating in the Free and Reduced Meal Program.)
Students may attend Session 1, Session 2, or both sessions. While the program is half-day, after care is available on site via Howard County Recreation and Parks. Snack is provided.
A few highlights ---
- Bus transportation to area collector stops!
- Exciting courses in Humanities, STEM, and the Arts!
For more information on how to register, please see this registration guide.
Contact: GTSummer@hcpss.org or 410-313-6671.
Spring Break Basketball Camp
Outdoor Recess and Weather Conditions
Cold weather has arrived!!! We wanted to remind you that students will still be going
outside for recess each day. Please make sure you send your child to school with warm
clothes. All clothing needs to be labeled with your child's name. Below you will find the
HCPSS criteria we consider when having outdoor activities.
• Temperature and humidity
• Wind chill
• Heat index and air quality
• Age of students
• Length of time outdoors
• Adequacy of the children’s clothing
• Condition of the playground
• Falling precipitation (more than a sprinkle or mist)
• Thunder and lightning
Generally, it is assumed that students will be outside for recess, physical education, or
any other outdoor activity when the temperature combined with the wind chill is not less
than 20 degrees Fahrenheit or the heat index is less than 95.
Future PTA Meetings
March 11th All begin at 7:15
May 13th
Important Dates 
2/27 Talent Show
3/3 Kindergarten Registration begins
3/3-3/6 Grade 5 Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA testing)
3/13 Career Day
3/13 PTA Restaurant Night: Shake Shack
3/19 Literacy Night Grades 3, 4 and 5 at 6:30pm
3/27 Spring Pictures: Class photos and individual photos if elected
3/28 End of Quarter 3
3/31 No School for Students: Professional Work and Development Day for staff
3/14 Professional Work and Wellness Day: Schools close 3 hours early
3/27 Class Photos and Individual Spring Pictures