Parent-Teacher Conferences February 5th & 6th
- All elementary schools will close 3 hours early on Wednesday, February 5 and Thursday, February 6, for parent-teacher conferences. There is no school for students on Friday, February 7.
- Due to the limited number of available time spots, we ask that you schedule a conference if you have a concern or have questions specific to your child’s progress.
- On Wednesday, February 5th, afternoon conferences (1:10-4:10 p.m.) will be in person only. Teachers will hold all afternoon conferences in person at their schools and parents may only attend their scheduled conferences on this day in person.
- If you have a conference with a 5th grade teacher, their in person conferences will be held in their learning cottage (relocatable behind the school). If you need assistance finding the cottage, please come through the front office.
- On Wednesday, February 5th, evening conferences (4:10-7:40 p.m.) will be virtual only. If teachers choose to hold conferences on Wednesday evening, parents will only be able to attend evening conferences virtually.
- On Thursday, February 6th, afternoon conferences (1:10-4:10 p.m.) will be virtual only. If teachers choose to hold conferences on Thursday afternoon, parents will only be able to attend conferences on this day virtually.
- Scheduling opens in Synergy on January 23rd, at 8:00 a.m. and closes at 4:00 p.m. on January 31st.
- Since GT teachers met with 4th grade parents in November, they will now hold February conferences for 5th grade only.
- All grades are scheduling conferences for math teachers (if conference is needed).
- Click here for directions to schedule a conference. We ask that you leave at least 15 minutes between sibling conferences to allow for transition time.
- If you wish to conference with a related arts teacher, please email them directly to set up a conference.