Heather Moraff

Email: heather_moraff@hcpss.org
Nykia Mapson
Assistant Principal
Email: nykia_mapson@hcpss.org
School Overview
Hammond Elementary School provides a safe, nurturing learning environment that fosters individual success through academic excellence, and appreciation of diversity, to ensure lifelong learners.
Hammond Elementary School staff will implement the Maryland Common Core Curriculum for the students to be College and Career Ready by...
- being able to demonstrate independence
- understanding others perspectives and cultures
- appropriately using STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
- building strong content knowledge
Core Values
- Collaborative Relationships
- Communication
- Creativity
Cluster 6 Board of Education Representative
Howard County public schools are divided into school clusters, which are assigned to individual Board members to facilitate school visitations, attend special events, and provide a point of contact for each school community. View all BOE school cluster assignments.
Hammond Elementary School BOE Representative: Jacky McCoy